This gravy uses the drippings and bits of turkey left in the roasting pan when you roast a turkey. While it’s more work than opening a jar or can of gravy, the resulting rich flavors and creamy texture is worth the small amount of time involved.
Homemade Turkey Gravy from Drippings
- 6 tablespoons of flour
- 2 tablespoons Onion Powder
- 1 tablespoon Black Pepper
- 15 ounces Chicken Broth
- Drippings from roaster pan after cooking a turkey
- Once the turkey has been removed from the roasting pan, pour the drippings + grease into a large measuring cup or bowl
- _The taller the container, the better. This allows for better separation_
- Wait for the fat and drippings to separate (I usually wait 5-10 minutes)
- Use a ladle to remove the fat from the container
- Pour the remaining drippings back into the roasting pan
Finish Gravy:
- Pour chicken broth into roasting pan
- Add onion powder and black pepper to roasting pan
- Using a wisk, mix the contents of the pan completely
- Add 2 tablespoons of the flour
- Wisk contents thoroughly
- Add 2 more tablespoons of the flour
- Wisk completely
- Add final 2 tablespoons of the flour
- Wisk until gravy is a creamy consistency
- Pour gravy into gravy boat or serving bowl