Creating food is a messy, time-consuming, complicated business that will suck every bit of your energy if you let it. Add in your fears about sodium, fat, carbohydrates, and anything else unhealthy and the act of cooking becomes a nightmare.
And yet, your family has to eat. Ever. Damned. Day.
So how do you prepare delicious, nutritious meals in no time with no mess to clean up? The kind of meals that the entire family enjoys without realizing it’s good for them too?
Huh, how do you do it?
By using Hectic-Kitchen as your go to resource! It’s the place where other harried folks have discovered how to balance effort and nutrition with taste and convenience. It’s the solution to the problem you haven’t even had the time to sit down and define. It’s a GPS to get you from fast food and packaged meals to the kind of food you love serving and you can enjoy along with your family.
The point of Hectic-Kitchen is that your life is a chaotic mess. There isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. Yet the family has to eat – several times a day. While it would be glorious to create Martha Stewart-inspired recipes for every meal and to channel the creations from The Food Network and The Cooking Channel – most days making a box of Mac ‘n’ Cheese is about all you have energy for.
And yes, I did just end that sentence with a preposition. It’s because I’m actually living the Hectic-Life. I don’t have time to make everything perfect. I’ve come to realize that sometimes I have to say “That’s Good Enough” and race to the next task. That means we might order out for pizza or have Mac ‘n’ Cheese as the only part of our dinner. Well, that and the Mountain Dew to drink to accompany the Double Stuf Oreos for dessert.
I’m not proud of those nights, but they happen. The goal here at Hectic-Kitchen is to give you some other options when you’re dead on your feet, the kids are melting down, but you still need to feed them. Heck, it’s the kind of resource that I need several times a week.
So, this is the beginning of a journey. A trek to try and reach a vantage where there’s a bit more calm and ease in my kitchen as well as yours. A place where the infrequent trip to the fast food place is viewed as a treat by the kids. A place where the pizza delivery phone number isn’t on speed-dial and the the teenager who answers their phone doesn’t recognize your voice! Somewhere akin to the Fairytale Land at present, but somewhere you (and I) want to be.
Welcome to our shared journey!