Below is our meal plan for this past week. As always, it's subject to time, ingredient, and energy (of the cook) availability. I'll try to keep you updated on how things actually go. For now, I'm only including the breakfast and dinner menus. I don't have solid plans for the lunches. Wherever possible, I've linked to the recipes that I started from. Invariably I've made changes … [Read more...]
Hectic Weeknight Meal – Penne Pasta
One of the folks I follow on Twitter sent out a plea for help last night. It was #MenMakeDinnerDay in the Twitterverse, and he was looking for new ideas, since he felt like his dinners were getting boring. If his life is anything like mine, the kids were probably simply not eating what was put in front of them...or not eating it with any enthusiasm. We all get in ruts, but … [Read more...]
Hectic Kitchen Hacks – Salad Fixin’s Basket
One thing that drives me crazy is a disorganized fridge or pantry. With ten or more people living in our household, everybody has a different approach to putting things away and different ideas where things belong. As a card-carrying OCD Kitchenaire, I believe that everything has a place, and every place has a thing. I'm getting a bit better about not melting down when I … [Read more...]
Hectic Pineapple Pork Loin
As the weather gets colder, I had a hankering for some Hawaiian style food. I've had chicken scratchings of this recipe for a couple of years. I've tried a number of variations and variables, and I think this one is just about perfect. It has a mix of sweet and sharp flavors. You can make a larger pork loin by increasing the ingredients, but it seems that we need less pork to … [Read more...]
Hectic Stacked White Chicken Enchiladas
We're still working our way through my major buy of fresh chicken. I felt like heading down South towards Mexican cuisine, but as usual time got away from me and I didn't have time to make traditional rolled enchiladas. I also thought I had all the ingredients for a couple of different recipes that I had in mind for chicken enchiladas, but (as usual) I was wrong. The pantry is … [Read more...]