With a large number of very athletically and socially active kids in our house, we're always looking for ways to process once, eat several times. This extends to the appetizers and snacks that we have around the Hectic Household. While it's possible to grab a pre-made vegetable tray at the grocery store, even at a discount store, the costs are high enough to be prohibitive. In … [Read more...]
Hectic Sloppy Joses
This recipe scales really well because the ingredients have been calculated around a single pound of ground beef. If you need to increase the recipe, you add the additional items in whole increments (one more medium onion, one more bell pepper, etc.).Be forewarned that this recipe has some zip to it, but that also somewhat helps with portion control. Not a bad trade-off, in my … [Read more...]
Tonight’s Menu – Ham with trimmings
What's on the Hectic Kitchen table tonight? We're starting the new year off with a Cook's Half Shank Ham that I got on sale during the week of Christmas. With the holiday falling in the middle of the week, and two traditional holiday meals (Wednesday and Saturday), I had lots of opportunities to go shopping. I also took advantage of all the sales that I could. As I've … [Read more...]
Tonight’s Menu – Chicken & Chocolate
What's on the Hectic Kitchen table tonight? We have had a tradition for as long as I can remember of having fondue on New Year's Eve. Over the years, I've made cheese, broth, and chocolate fondue. I've tried complex cheese fondue recipes, and simple one. They have all gone over OK, but don't really substitute for a substantial dinner. They're great for snacking though. … [Read more...]
Hectic Chocolate Fondue
New Year's Eve has traditionally been the night for fondue at the Hectic Household. Over the years we've tried a number of different ways to make our chocolate fondue. This is a simple one-step method that's pretty hard to beat. You can use any flavor of bark squares. I'm a fan of dark chocolate, but I always get over-ruled and we end up having milk chocolate. The photo at … [Read more...]