As the weather gets colder, I had a hankering for some Hawaiian style food. I've had chicken scratchings of this recipe for a couple of years. I've tried a number of variations and variables, and I think this one is just about perfect. It has a mix of sweet and sharp flavors. You can make a larger pork loin by increasing the ingredients, but it seems that we need less pork to … [Read more...]
Hectic Stacked White Chicken Enchiladas
We're still working our way through my major buy of fresh chicken. I felt like heading down South towards Mexican cuisine, but as usual time got away from me and I didn't have time to make traditional rolled enchiladas. I also thought I had all the ingredients for a couple of different recipes that I had in mind for chicken enchiladas, but (as usual) I was wrong. The pantry is … [Read more...]
Hectic Sopapillas
One of my daughters lives in Colorado. She's been living on her own for a couple of years, and is quite a good cook, making fabulous meals out of next to nothing. As a college student and newly employed person she didn't have a lot of money to spend on food, nor a lot of time to prepare it. Hence every recipe she sends me tends to be golden from a hectic preparation … [Read more...]
Hectic Sweet & Simple Butternut Squash
Ah, butternut of the least appreciated squashes. And honestly that's saying a lot, since I've discovered that squashes are some of the least appreciated vegetables! My totally unscientific survey of a bunch of random people that I know put the "like" factor for squash somewhere between slushy street water and the food you find under your couch cushions. I guess I'm … [Read more...]
Hectic Simple Spaghetti Squash
It's Fall, so all sorts of squashes and root vegetables are readily available, while the availability of Summer vegetables is dwindling...or the prices are skyrocketing. Even in this era of global food production and shipment, local options for root vegetables and squashes are much more economical than their half-a-world-away summer alternatives. One of my favorite squashes is … [Read more...]