This Saturday is Groundhog Day. Is anybody else excited?
OK, so I’ll freely admit that this is a uniquely American tradition…and a really weird one at that. Honestly, we rely on a really fat rodent to drag himself out of his lair to check if he sees his shadow. Then the results of that shadow are supposed to predict our weather for the next six weeks.
Sadly, Punxsutawney Philseems to have a better track record than a lot of professional meteorologists!

While the tradition is kind of weird, it did lead to the creation of one of my favorite movies of all time. Not surprisingly, the title is Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.
Rather than load up this email with all my thoughts on the movie, if you’re at all interested I wrote about the movie (and the awesome foods therein) in my Dinner and a Movie blog post.

Just like in the movie Groundhog Day, I’m trying to get out of a loop that I’ve been stuck in for a while. Unlike Bill Murray, mine isn’t nearly as comical.
Also unlike Bill Murray’s character Phil, I believe I’ve got the tools to get me out of this time-loop and moving forward. Over the next few weeks I’ll be writing more about how I’m using my systems in the kitchen (and life in general) to grab life and control my own destiny.
No matter whether you love him, hate him, or have never heard of him…enjoy Punxsutawney Phil’s Groundhog day.
Do everything you can to make it a great day!