2019 has started…are you ready? Well, honestly it doesn’t matter if we’re ready or not, these things have a habit of happening with or without us.
I’m not really big on New Year’s Resolutions, partly because I start each month with a couple of goals. I’m getting better at assessing how I did the prior month and then adjusting for the next month too.
One thing I’ve learned is big changes only happen through small adjustments. For instance, setting a year-long goal to lose 50 pounds isn’t just daunting, it can’t happen that way. It’s not like you snap your fingers and the weight is gone. If only!
Instead, you must break your goals down into smaller, achievable, and measurable pieces and then hack away at them each day. A month seems like a reasonable unit of time to measure, since most of the daily (and weekly) fluctuations of life are tempered by that timeframe.
As 2018 closed out and 2019 begins, we’re starting to focus a bit more here on the blog. If there are any articles you’d like to see, or things you’d like me to research…drop me a comment below.
Welcome to 2019, Make It A Great Year!