Has your year started out anything like you planned? If you made New Year’s resolutions, how are they holding up?
As I mentioned last week, I’m not so much about yearly resolutions, but rather try to focus on a small number of things I want to improve every month.
This month one of my targets is weeknight meal planning.
In case you’re looking for a jumpstart to your meal planning…but don’t want to do the work…I’ve got two solutions for you:
I’ve got a series of ebooks available on Amazon that combine the menus, recipes, and shopping lists into really convenient weekly groups. Grab the one page shopping list and hit the store. Then you’ll have all the ingredients for five night’s dinners including the entrees, sides, and even the desserts.
I’ve also got a meal-planning email service called Hectic-Meals. You also get the menus, recipes, and shopping lists in a convenient weekly email. You still have to do the shopping and cooking…but all the planning is done for you!
In either case, you can save a bunch of time and hassle!
What are some of your goals that you’re trying to achieve at the start of 2019? What’s going to help you Make It A Great Year?