I’ve previously written about how to deal with the start of Fall sports season and what to do about dinner. You can craft a meal to be consumed before you head out the door to the game or you can build one that everybody eats when they get home. But sometimes you don’t want to eat so early or so late. Sure, you can just grab a hotdog, nachos, and a drink at the concession stand…but who really wants to do that. I’ll do that maybe once a season…but the rest of the time I’m battling to figure out how to get food into my family’s hungry maws without resorting to the snack bar or ordering pizza. In my post 50 Game Night Dinner IdeasI focused on eating at home before or after the game. This week I’ve got some ideas if you decide that you want to eat in the parking lot.
Honestly, I’ve always thought tailgating was kind of weird. People haul all kinds of equipment to their favorite sporting venue, gather hours before the game, and essentially have a backyard cookout…in a parking lot. And not only that, there are all sorts of other people who are also having cookouts just a few yards away.
But let’s face it, tailgating is kind of fun. You get to eat all sorts of different food and hang out with your friends who are engrossed in watching the same team that you rabidly cheer for. And you get to dress up for the event…not in coat and tie or a dinner dress…but rather in gear that shows your support for your team.
While people go all-out on their tailgating gear, I’m more of a minimalist. I don’t bring a grill to the stadium, although I know a lot of people who do. I’ve even got friends who have hitch-mounted gas grills. And the number who have smokers attached to trailers is kind of ridiculous. Not to mention the tables, chairs, and other paraphernalia that folks pack into their vehicles to take to the stadium. I’m more of a sling chair and foil-covered serving dish kind of guy. Nevertheless, I’ve compiled a list of tailgating foods that you might like to prepare at your next outing.
I’d love to hear what other folks take to tailgating parties, and seeing photos would be great. If you post any photos on social media, tag #hectickitchen and I’ll be sure to repost or retweet your pics. Who knows, you might inspire someone to their best day ever!
So dress in your fanciest fan clothes, grab your tailgating fare, and make it a great day tailgating!