I often get asked “Where did you get the name Hectic-Kitchen?”. Well, honestly it was kind of a no-brainer. I’m always running around like a crazy person, trying to get to one event or another. Back in the day, I was also towing eight kids along…and they were active kids. So our events were scattered all over the state. It never seemed like I had a moment’s rest…I was truly living the Hectic Life. So when it came time to start my blogs for Kitchen and Parenting stuff, Hectic-Kitchenand Hectic-Dad made a ton of sense.
Although things have slowed down somewhat, I’m still living the Hectic Life. I just have a tiny bit more time to actually think about it. Some days I wonder whether that’s a good thing or not though LOL.

We’re pretty far into January now, and honestly the time has flown by. I know that lots of folks make New Year’s resolutions. Did you?
A few of the most common are:
- Exercise more
- Eat healthier
- Get my act together
I’ve talked about the last two in my prior emails, specifically about meal planning and eating lighter. Both can seem like such huge, daunting things…but honestly you can start small and ease into them. Let’s face it, making wholesale change in your life is going to be hard, so cut yourself some slack and make a couple small changes.
In the next few weeks I’m going to be focusing on some of those small changes on the blog, starting with a series on Batch Cooking. The idea is that making full meals every night takes a lot of time. If you can combine that work into a couple nights you should be able to reap the benefits the rest of the week. Honestly, it’s not that hard…but it does take a change in mindset.

If you’ve been struggling with eating healthier or getting your act together in the kitchen, there’s a ton of material on the rest blog. I’ve been working to make the posts shorter so they don’t take so long to read. So if you’ve got a couple minutes, why not check them out?
As the euphoria of New Year’s Eve fades and the gung ho attitude about making this the best year ever slowly ebbs away, just know that it’s happening to everybody. If you define winning as being a little bit better everyday, you can drop the pretense of trying to be perfect and get on with your real life.
Whatever you do, don’t let all those commercials about weight loss, exercise, and how you should feel guilty about what you’re eating get you down.
There’s still a lot of year left, so don’t give up. You can easily Make It A Great Yearif you put your mind to it…and set achievable goals.