Print Recipe

Worms in Dirt


  • 3.9 ounces Instant Chocolate Pudding
  • 10 ounces Oreo Cookies
  • 9 ounces Gummi Worms


  • In a large bowl, prepare the pudding per the package instructions then put it in the refrigerator
  • Remove the cookies from the cream filling and put the cookies into a large zippered bag
  • Crush the cookies (this is a great task for one of the kids)
  • When the pudding is set (this takes a minimum of 10 minutes in the refrigerator), divide it into six clear glasses (so you can see the "mud")
  • Arrange several worms on top of the pudding, with some hanging over the edge of the glasses
  • Sprinkle the crushed cookies over the "mud", creating the "dirt" layer


You can use the cookies from the Mike Wazowski Halloween Cookies for the "dirt" layer